Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending @ Yogawerkstatt
Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending @ Yogawerkstatt

Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending



@ Yogawerkstatt

Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending @ Yogawerkstatt
Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending @ Yogawerkstatt

Doug Keller wird im August wieder ein interessantes Webinar zum Thema 'Kraft aus der Körpermitte für Rückbeugen' anbieten.

Diesmal wollen wir die Yogins & Yoginis aus der Umgebung Wien einladen, den Workshop gemeinsam in der Yogawerkstatt zu erleben. Wir werden das Live Webinar mit einem Beamer an die Wand projezieren und ihr könnt alle Hilfsmittel, die wir brauchen werden, von uns ausleihen.

Das Webinar dauert etwa 3 Stunden (mit einer kleinen Pause) und wird von Doug aufgezeichnet und steht anschließend den Teilnehmern als Download zur Verfügung. Das bedeutet, dass eine Anwesenheit zur Übertragungszeit nicht zwingend erforderlich ist.

Doug unterrichtet in gut verständlichem Englisch.

This experience will be half learning, half practice, with a deep exploration of backbending using props — bolsters, blankets and blocks!

The ‘Core’ is more than the abdominals, and backbending is more than stretching the muscles of the front body, or strengthening the muscles of the back.

There is a center of feeling and intelligence from the arches of the feet, through the psoas, pelvic floor, diaphragm, and neck that is awakened and enlivened by backbending. This is a myofascial line that is the thread that runs through our core.

Doug will introduce a new perspective on the feet, one which gives a grounding and focus for the practice, connecting it to the fullness of this thread through the body — and the benefits of this awareness for the body and breath.

From that foundation, we’ll move into a practice, focusing especially on the use of props in backbending, not only as a way to deepen our backbends, but to increase our awareness of the core space of the body — which is especially felt when we use the support of props to increase our sensitivity to it (as opposed to pushing too hard in unsupported backbends).

This will be an enlightening, creative, and invigorating experience! You’ll need two bolster, two blankets, two blocks, and two belts.

We invite you to join us for this transformative experience of yoga!

The practice is open for all-levels.

The webinar will be simultaneously recorded with high quality video and audio, and an edited final version of the video will be available to you after the broadcast, which you can view again or even download, via Vimeo.


Sonntag, 15. August 2021


16:00 - 19:15



Online Stream

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Doug Keller




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Strengthening & Lengthening the Core in Backbending


Sonntag, 15. August 2021


16:00 - 19:15


Doug Keller
