Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms @ Feelgoodstudio Online bei Dir!
Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms @ Feelgoodstudio Online bei Dir!

Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms

Medizinisches Yoga


@ Feelgoodstudio Online bei Dir!

Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms @ Feelgoodstudio Online bei Dir!
Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms @ Feelgoodstudio Online bei Dir!

::: This workshop takes place at Feelgoodstudio 1040, Paulanergasse 13, 1040 Vienna. :::

This workshop is just right for you if you want to better understand the anatomy of your body and develop a healthy, sustainable yoga practice that you can benefit of in the long run. As a physical therapist, acrobat, strength athlete and yoga instructor, Benjamin Fink shares the latest scientific findings and makes the topic of anatomy a practical experience. Suitable for yoga practitioners as well as yoga teachers!

Focus: Shoulder Girdle & Arms

In this workshop we will focus on the function and importance of your arms and shoulder girdle in your yoga practice. Half of the workshop consists of a theoretical part and the other half of a practical part that makes the topic tangible and experienceable.


In the theoretical part you will learn about the structure and function of the joints of the shoulder girdle and the arms as well as their most important components. Of course, we also deal with the most important muscle groups around your shoulder and devote ourselves to the current science on the subject of maintaining health.


We will then apply what we have learned in the practical part within the framework of specific yoga exercises. For this purpose we use armbalances, vinyasas and also deal in depth with the topic of strength. You will learn specifically how movement in your yoga practice affects your shoulders, arms and the surrounding structures and why these are relevant in terms of maintaining health. Complementary exercises for your yoga practice are also an important part of this workshop.

Target group:

This workshop is suitable for interested yoginis and yogis as well as for yoga teachers who want to deepen their knowledge in the field of anatomy and physiology in a practical way. 10% discount for yoga teachers, please email


In the interest of optimal didactics, we have limited the number of spots in this workshop, so please book quickly.

Direction: Benjamin Fink, physiotherapist and yoga teacher

This workshop will be held in ENGLISH

::: This workshop will take place at Feelgoodstudio 1040, Paulanergasse 13, 1040 Vienna. :::


Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023


13:00 - 17:00


Feelgoodstudio 1040 Gruppenraum


Paulanergasse 13, 1040 Wien



Benjamin Fink (DE,EN)


Benjamin entdeckte 2010 bei einer Asienreise Indien und dort seine Begeisterung für Yoga. Den Einstieg, und nach kurzer Zeit auch die Yogalehrerausbildung, machte er im Shivananda Yoga Stil, folgte aber bald seiner Leidenschaft für Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Yoga, Akrobatik und Krafttraining mit dem Körpergewicht und Gewichten gehört zu seinem täglichen Leben. Als Physiotherapeut ist Benjamin der gesundheitliche Aspekt der Yoga Praxis ein besonderes Anliegen. Darum lässt er sein medizinisches Wissen und auch ein gutes Maß an angewandter Anatomie in seinen Unterricht einfließen.


300h Yoga Alliance TT in Shivananda Yoga in Bad Meinberg/Deutschland, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Praxis und Ausbildungen in Indien mit Guruju BNS Iyengar, Saraswathi Jois, und internationalen Lehrern wie Gregor Maehle, Simon Borg Olivier und Boris Gueorguiev.


65,00 €





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Yoga Anatomy III: Shoulder girdle & arms


Sonntag, 2. Juli 2023


13:00 - 17:00