6 Days Effective Coaching & Teaching CET

Starts on Thursday, 10/10/2024
Price 1,200.00 €


In the Forrest Yoga teaching system, this is a requirement to obtain Level 3. The Forrest Yoga® Continuing Education for Effective Coaching and Teaching is a 6-day training designed for Forrest Yoga® Teachers who want to assist Forrest Yoga® Teacher Trainings, those interested in teaching others how to teach, and those wanting to up-level their teaching and assisting skills. Open to teachers from all yoga lineages with a regular FY Practice.

You will learn and practice:

  • How to be a teacher, an assistant, a teacher’s coach and an assistant’s coach, a lead assistant – many different roles.
  • How to work with triggers and challenges that trainees face and understand them with compassionate coaching techniques
  • How to coach hands-on assists
  • How to give effective feedback that lands with each particular student.
  • How to create and hold a safe space for learning and growing.

The aim of the training is to make you a compassionate and intelligent coach and teacher, so you are better equipped to deal with whatever challenges you and your students may face.

This training will deepen your own teaching process and bring more awareness to how effective you are as a teacher! It will deepen your experience as a coach.

Co-taught by Forrest Yoga Guardians Alexandra Sagorz-Zimmerl and Victoria Kourkaki, this training teaches Assistants and Yoga Teachers how to coach and teach trainees within the Forrest Yoga® teacher training curriculum.

  • Credits46-hour credit towards the 300-Hour Forrest Yoga® Advanced Teacher Training.
  • Awarded Forrest Yoga Level 3 Certification if you have finished the Level 2 Homework and the Forrest Yoga Mentorship Program
  • Eligible to assist Forrest Yoga® Teacher Trainings

Teacher :


Die bYOGA Studiogründerin begeistert seit nun 17 Jahren eine stetig wachsende Community von Menschen und ermutigt diese, mit liebevoller und mitfühlender Achtsamkeit die eigene Kompetenzzone zu entdecken und die inneren Ressourcen zu stärken.


1.10/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra
2.11/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra
3.12/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra
4.13/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra
5.14/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra
6.15/10/202409:00 - 17:30Beatrixgasse 28, 1030 WienAlexandra


A registration is considered binding. In case of cancellation a 200€ fee will be charged.

* All prices including VAT