Backbend Special

Price from 0.00 €


Backbends strengthen our back muscles, the front of our body and our shoulders. They improve the flexibility of our spine and are said to have a positive effect of our emotional state.

However, they can also lead to compression of the spine and create enormous pressure on the lower back, causing back pain. This makes it all the more important to pay attention to correct alignment.

In this class we focus primarily on safe execution and explore our limits together without exceeding them.

What to expect:

  • an extensive warm-up sequence for the whole body, which will ideally prepare you for the backbends.
  • As part of a guided Ashtanga sequence, we go through some backbends from the 1st and 2nd series step by step and show you variations to adapt the practice to your own personal needs.
  • We close the unit with a guided final sequence for all levels as well as an extensive final relaxation.

Feel free to bring something to write with, because at the end of the special there will still be enough time for your questions and individual modifications as well as drinking tea together.

* All prices including VAT