::: SOLD OUT ::: Flow2 The Dark Side of the Moon

Starts on Sunday, 19/09/2021
Price 28.00 €


Let Scott Macdonald, be your guide on this journey into your inner depths and beyond, all the way to the dark side of the moon.

This amazing experience, combining the power of your own breath & the musical genius of Pink Floyd, will take you on a journey like none you have ever been on before. Using the breath to unlock restrictions, together as a group we will break through boundaries, tapping into a higher state of consciousness. Come and experience a feeling of connection & unity not only with those around you, but maybe even the universe itself.

What you need:

Yoga mat Blindfold (Optional)

Blankes will be provided.


If the following miracle of life applies to you, please don’t participate: Pregnant

If you suffer from any of the below conditions, please don’t attend this event: Heart conditions Epilepsy Panic attacks

Trainer :

No picture available
Scott Macdonald (EN)

Breathing changed my life! At the start of 2016 I was burned out & broken. It was so bad that I was given a referral for a neuro-surgeon. Then I discovered the Wim Hof Method. 3 minutes later I was as good as new. I delved deeper and deeper into the method becoming friends with the Ice-Man himself and becoming an officially certified Instructor of his method. In 2017 I gave up my lucrative Oil career, to dedicate myself to teaching people how breathing can improve their lives. I have helped thousands of people to unlock their inner power, for more health, strength & happiness in their lives.


1.19/09/202114:00 - 16:00Paulanergasse 13, 1040 WienScott Macdonald (EN)

* All prices including VAT