Asana Lab with Geoff Brooks int. Yoga Teacher from Bali

Starts on Wednesday, 29/05/2024
Price from 0.00 €


50h Weiterbildung & Wahlfach mit Geoff Brooks int. Yoga Teacher from Bali

Far from being limited to a series of predetermined poses, exploring Asana is the physical expression of Yoga's deepest intentions. This course empowers you to delve into the foundations at your own pace and in your own space, before discovering the magic of practicing with a group of like-minded peers.

Join us for an immersive experience featuring:

- Exploring Asana

- Developing awareness of Bandhas

- Awakening your energy

Workshop dates: May 30th - June 2nd

Optional Wednesday: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (yoga class)

Thursday - Saturday: 8:30 AM - 7:30 PM (including breaks)

Sunday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM (including a 1-hour break)

50h training consist of 40 hours in person and 10 hours pre-work (pre-work videos to help you dive deeper into the topic).

- Language: English

- Suitable for all levels (don't be shy :) - you can do it)

- Location: Yoga Villa Steyr, Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 Steyr

- Fee: Alumni/Frühbucher: €690, Standard Rate: €750

Frühbucher-Preis bis 30.4.

Sign up and make payment directly with Geoff. Don't forget to also sign up for the online portion directly with Geoff. Visit to register.

Trainer :


Geoff ist ein technischer Meister des Yoga, der sich mittlerweile seit Jahrzehnten seiner Praxis hingibt. In mehr als 25 Jahren bewegungsbasierter Kunst, hat er verschiedene Einflüsse aus traditionellen und modernen Yogapraktiken, Kampfkünsten und Biomechanik verknüpft.


1.29/05/202419:00 - 20:30Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 SteyrGeoff
2.30/05/202408:30 - 19:30Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 SteyrGeoff
3.31/05/202408:30 - 19:00Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 SteyrGeoff
4.01/06/202408:30 - 19:00Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 SteyrGeoff
5.02/06/202408:30 - 16:00Leopold-Werndl-Straße 18, 4400 SteyrGeoff


7 Tage vor Kurs Beginn

Partner of Yoga Villa Steyr

* All prices including VAT