Annie Carpenter I Psoas Workshop

Starts on Thursday, 11/05/2023
Price 120.00 €


The Psoas system is an ancient, minimally evolved muscle group that affects us in so many ways: Connecting the upper body to our legs, enabling walking running and climbing, connecting the Musculo-skeletal body to the sympathetic nervous system, and providing us with true core stability and strength. Sadly, for many of us there are imbalances and chronic contractions and pain that originate and linger in this system.

Join Annie to learn about and connect to your Psoas system. Discover ways to release and stretch—and when to do which; as well as stabilize and strengthen—and when to do which. We’ll look at problems that imbalances can create as well as how to soothe this deep muscle group to shift into a calmer state in your nervous system.


  • anatomy
  • release work 
  • active-restoratives
  • strengthening in a deeply soothing and pacifying practice

This afternoon is designed for all levels, including those who may have psoas imbalances, and perhaps especially for teachers who will find this work fascinating and helpful.

Teacher :

Annie Carpenter

Annie Carpenter, creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, is an international Yoga teacher based in Northern California. Known as a “teacher’s teacher” she has created a well-respected system of Yoga practice and Teaching methodology. Annie’s playful personality and focused intelligence brings depth, clarity and exuberance to her classes. A committed student of Yoga for over 40 years now, Annie continues to bring her passion and curiosity, love of anatomy, evolutionary movement, meditation and classical philosophy into her teachings. Annie is the author of SmartFLOW Yoga, a complete set of practice DVDs produced by Udaya, and Yoga for Total Back Care, a DVD produced by Yoga Journal, and several SmartFLOW manuals. She contributes regularly to Yoga Journal. An influential Teacher Trainer since 2003, Annie leads 200/500 trainings and workshops globally, and at Annie’s SmartFLOW Yoga is a modern approach with an anatomically sound foundation and inspired, creative sequencing. Annie’s method is rooted in deep respect and years of practice in the lineages of Integral, Iyengar and Astanga Yoga. Annie is committed to inquiry and mindfulness, which inevitably leads to spiritual development and light-heartedness. SmartFLOW Yoga guides you to know your true Self. With the knowledge of the true Self comes compassion, peace and appreciation for all life.


1.11/05/202313:00 - 17:00Bösendorferstraße 9, 1010 WienAnnie Carpenter


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