ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby @ ONLINE LIVE Pilates Bern & Zürich
ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby @ ONLINE LIVE Pilates Bern & Zürich

ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby

ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby @ ONLINE LIVE Pilates Bern & Zürich
ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby @ ONLINE LIVE Pilates Bern & Zürich

Postnatal Yoga classes are essential for all after the experience of pregnancy and childbirth – no matter how the baby was born. Pregnancy and birth are taxing to the body, and a program of rehabilitation is necessary for re-aligning and re-structuring the body. Our classes are recommended as of 6-8 weeks after birth. We focus on establishing good alignment and posture, connecting to and strengthening deep core and structural muscles in the belly, back and pelvic floor by using deep breathing as our primary tool and relieving tension and fatigue by promoting self-care routines. Babies are integrated into the class and enjoy watching mum enjoy an accessible movement practice tailored to her needs. Being with other new mothers allows participants to connect and build community at a time when previous social contacts and networks may seem foreign or outdated. Embracing a community of support is extremely helpful in combatting feelings of isolation and mood disorders that are so common in the postpartum phase.


Mittwoch, 24. April 2024


19:45 - 20:45

(60 min)



Online Stream

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Gisela Collazo ° Yogalehrerin und Doula


I fell in love with Yoga in 1995, and since then I have delved into many different styles of Hatha Yoga, from Kundalini to Jivamukti, Ashtanga Vinyasa to Anusara, and many fusions along the way. I have completed over 500-hours Yoga Alliance accredited training and many further education courses with gifted teachers worldwide. I have been teaching Hatha Yoga since 2004. By guiding my students through the physical forms of yoga practice and focusing on the breath, I invite them to make their own inner explorations and discover the qualities of joy and gratitude that lie within themselves. Students appreciate my calm and positive manner, my precise and detailed instructions, and the mix of power and restoration that they take away from my classes.​ In my Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga classes, I aim to support mothers and babies in a holistic way. I teach in the Birthlight approach, which fosters self-nurture through a nourishing and gentle practice that supports the transitions that accompany this tender time: physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally. Gisela Collazo Full-Spectrum Birth and Postpartum Doula (DTI) Birthlight Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher Trainer for Birthlight Perinatal and Postnatal Yoga


15,00 CHF

ONLINE LIVE Probetraining Pilates&Yoga


25,00 CHF

Probetraining Schwangerschaft & Rückbildung


22,00 CHF


22,00 CHF

ONLINE LIVE 1x Einzellektion

35,00 CHF

1x Schwangerschaft / Rückbildung / Baby

100,00 CHF

ONLINE LIVE 5x Pilates&Yoga

160,00 CHF

5x Schwangerschaft / Rückbildung / Baby

190,00 CHF

ONLINE LIVE 10x Pilates&Yoga

300,00 CHF

10x Schwangerschaft / Rückbildung / Baby

500,00 CHF

20x Matte - 6 Monate

1.070,00 CHF

Halbjahresabo Matte & ONLINE LIVE*




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Stornierungen sind online auf Eversport bis zu 12 Stunden vor Beginn möglich.

ONLINE LIVE Postnatal Yoga without Baby / Rückbildungsyoga ohne Baby


Mittwoch, 24. April 2024


19:45 - 20:45

(60 min)