Videothek Sun Salutation Fundamentals with Inge

Sun Salutation Fundamentals with Inge

Hot Yoga
30 min
Alle Level
Hot Flow Yoga Jordaan
Inge Wolsink
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20,00 €1 Single Class
30,00 €3 Class Card - Introduction Offer
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60,00 €5 Class Card - Introduction Offer
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Always wondered how exactly to move through your sun salutations? What the difference is between an upward dog and a baby cobra? Or do you want to build towards that full chaturanga? In this video, I explain 3 versions of Surya Namaskar A, so you can see the difference between each version, and practice your way towards a smooth version that works for your body.

Über den Trainer/Lehrer

The reason I became a yogi is the same reason why I became a psychological scientist: I am fascinated by human behavior and I have a drive to learn. For me personally, learning, writing, and teaching about psychology is a passion. I long for an understanding of the world and the people in it. I want to know what makes us think, what makes us feel, what makes us move and most of all, I want to use that knowledge to help others change their lives for the better. Yoga is no different for me. The reason why yoga is so effective at eliciting health changes is because it is an integrative approach. Instead of being a quick fix to get a great body, yoga is a system that helps you to grow psychologically, mentally, and physically through movement, philosophy, breath practice, and meditation. As a scientist and a yogi, I have not only felt the transformative power of yoga, I also studied why it works so well, and I truly enjoy sharing this knowledge during my yoga classes.