Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa @ Yogazentrum Mödling
Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa @ Yogazentrum Mödling

Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa


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Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa @ Yogazentrum Mödling
Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa @ Yogazentrum Mödling

LIVE at the Studio AND ONLINE!

Durch das Training mit der Gada (Morgenstern) hebst du die Präzision und konzentrative Bewußtheit deiner Bewegungsabläufe auf einen neuen Level!

Dieser Workshop, deine transformative Reise, um Energie und Stärke in deiner Vinyasa-Praxis zu wecken.

Wenn du einen Morgenstern brauchst, kannst du sie im Studio um € 3,- ausleihen oder auch für den Eigenbedarf erwerben.


This workshop is a transformative journey to awaken energy and strength in your vinyasa practice.

Discover a source of power that lies deep inside, ready to harness, as you step into a warrior archetype and wield an ancient weapon. By training with a steel mace, or the Gada as in Sanskrit, we cultivate precision and a high state of focus in our movement. To support this load, our feet ground more firmly, our core awakens and our physical vessel naturally comes into a state of balance. As the mace encircles our body we clear our energetic field.

The result is embodied awareness, a stronger posture and a deeper state of presence. Instead of just creating flow we enter into “Flow,” both on and off the mat. When the mace is removed our practice becomes more fluid, connected and more centered. We build confidence and a completely able mindset, through our mace work. So come join the challenge, awaken more fully into power, a power embodied and ready to be harnessed!

If you need a steel-mace you can borrow it at the studio for € 3,- or you also can buy one for your own personal use.

This workshop is in English.


Sonntag, 26. November 2023


15:00 - 17:00

(120 min)




Grenzgasse 40, 2340 Mödling





Adina is a Vinyasa Flow-based teacher from New York City and brings over 20 years of experience in teaching yoga, pilates, somatics, and various movement arts. She has been living in Austria for 15 years and teaches Vinyasa flow and Steel Mace Vinyasa classes at Yogazentrum Mödling. Her teaching style is both dynamic and embodied. She creatively threads in deeper philosophy and concepts into her flows. Expect a heartful, creative, energetic and profound experience while taking her class. *Please note classes are in English.




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Die Teilnahme an diesem Workshop kann bis 2 Wochen vor Beginn kostenlos storniert werden.

Grace, Power and Strength: a Guided Journey through Steel Mace Vinyasa


Sonntag, 26. November 2023


15:00 - 17:00

(120 min)


