RUFF Golf - Graz

RUFF Golf - Graz

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    About us

    RUFF Golf entstand aus der gemeinsamen Liebe und Leidenschaft für den Golfsport. Unsere Vision war es, den fehlenden Puzzleteil des Golfsports zu ergänzen. RUFF ist ein Ort, an dem Golf im Mittelpunkt steht und man ganzjährig mit Freunden, Familie, Kollegen und Geschäftspartnern eine tolle Zeit verbringen kann. RUFF, eine Weltklasse Indoor Golf-Lounge. EAT. DRINK. PLAY. Egal ob erfahrener Golfer, leidenschaftlicher Amateur oder Anfänger, wir bieten für jeden ein erstklassiges Golferlebnis. Finden Sie die nächstgelegene Anlage und buchen Sie gleich einen Termin.

    • Ganzjährig geöffnet
    • Modernste TrackMan Technologie
    • Indoor Putting Green
    • Gastronomie und Bar
    • Events & Konferenzen
    • Golf-Shop
    • Kostenlose Leihschläger
    • Erfahrenes Personal











      Changing rooms


      Parking lot


      Card Payment


    Liebenauer Hauptstraße 242 , 8041 Graz




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    Room Quality

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    Friendliness & Service

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score



    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


    Price Performance

    unfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating scoreunfulfilled rating score


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    Further helpful information

    Frequently Asked Questions

    RUFF Golf ist ein modernes Indoor Golf Lounge Konzept welches gleichermaßen Golfer als auch Nicht-Golfer anspricht. Durch den Einsatz der weltbesten Golf-Simulatoren sowie einem ausgeklügeltem Lounge- und Gastrokonzept, können wir Golf als Entertainmentaktivität für Privatpersonen sowie Firmen anbieten. Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine Auswahl an erforderlichen Produkten und Zubehör in unserem Golfshop sowie auch die Möglichkeit Events, Workshops und Teambuildings bei uns abzuhalten.
    Wir legen hohen Wert auf die Langlebigkeit und Sauberkeit unserer Anlage. Aus diesem Grund bitten wir Sie: · saubere Sportschuhe mitzunehmen (im Winter als Wechselschuhe) · saubere Schläger mitzunehmen · ausschließlich unsere Golfbälle und Tees zu verwenden
    Kundinnen und Kunden, welche über ein eigenes Equipment verfügen, empfehlen wir auch dieses mitzunehmen. Dabei ist darauf zu achten, dass dieses sauber und frei von Beschädigungen ist. Anfänger können bei uns kostenlos Equipment ausleihen. Golfbälle und Tees werden immer von uns bereitgestellt.
    Bitte informieren Sie uns rechtzeitig per Telefon (+43664/2541406), wir werden versuchen Sie auf eine andere Zeit umzubuchen.
    Wir verfügen über eine Gastronomie mit ausgewählten Speisen und Getränken sowie einen Golfshop mit ausgewählter Bekleidung und Zubehör. Darüber hinaus, können bei uns auch Events aller Art sowie auch Meetings oder Workshops in unserem Konferenzraum durchgeführt werden.

    Available sports types and activities

    • Golf

    • Room rental

    • Indoor Golf

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