Über uns

Yogaloft is a place to become aware - movement, recovery, music & meditation awaken your body and mind to bring you to HERE & NOW. A one-of a -kind place to come to your senses.

Find more: @yogaloft.frankfurt

















Schifferstraße 5 , 60594 Frankfurt am Main




65 Rezensionen



Freundlichkeit & Service







unfulfilled rating score


User headshot


vor einem Tag

Leider fehlt eine Umkleidekabine. Ich musste mich auf der Toilette umziehen, während draußen Leute warten, da es nur eine Toilette gibt. Sonst ein sehr schöner Yoga-Raum und eine sehr nette und kompetente Yoga Lehrerin.

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vor 24 Tagen

Tolles Studio!! Es ist etwas besonderes da es nicht so anonym ist. Eva (Besitzerin) schafft es in jeder Stunde, dass man sich wie in einer kleinen Wohlfühl-Community fühlt. Die Trainer & Trainerinnen sind immer super motiviert & lassen sich immer tolle & abwechslungsreiche Übungen einfallen. Außerdem wird auch rumgegangen und man wird dadurch auch mal persönlich korrigiert.insgesamt sehr motivierend und eine schöne Abwechslung zu anderen Studios 😊 Danke Eva, dass du mich für eine Test Class für Hot-Yoga mit Andrea eingeladen hast, hat mega viel Spaß gemacht 👏👏👏👏

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vor einem Monat

Super schönes Studio mit tollen Trainer:innen. Komme seit 6 Monaten regelmäßig und kann es nur empfehlen. Nette Leute, entspannte Atmosphäre und einfach ein Ort um zu entspannen oder sich so richtig auszupowern.

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vor einem Monat

Loved the Hot Pilates class with Andrea, my abs are burning!!🥰

Weitere hilfreiche Informationen

Häufig gestellte Fragen

At YOGALOFT FRANKFURT you will MOVE using our body as a tool of awareness with workouts across disciplines like Yoga, Pilates, Sculpt. Achieving physical development using strengthening & alignment techniques. We believe movement is a way to emotionally process and release, helping us to find presence and freedom. STRETCH Blending Breath-work, deep stretch, fascial release, relaxation to unwind, destress and help the body to repair, rebuild and strengthen. We believe “stretch” how we call this recovery sessions, is a balance to the more active practices. MEDITATE bringing you back to your senses, silencing the chatter of your mind. Creating space for self-awareness, self discovery, growth and deeper understanding. We believe meditation keeps you fully in here and now.
· You can travel light. At Yogaloft we have the Equipment you will need. If you would prefer to workout on your Mat, sure you can bring it with you. · If you are interested in buying our equipment and thus be able to train with them at home, just let us know.
· You must cancel your class 24 hours or more prior to class start time in order to unreserve your spot and return it to your account. · If you late-cancel less than 24 hours prior to class start time your class will not be returned to your account. · If you do not show up to class and do not cancel, your class will still be deducted from your account.
· DO YOU HAVE SHOWER? We do not, but you can freshen up before you leave with the products of our vanity station. · CAN I USE MY CLASS PACK/CARDS TO BOOK ALL KIND OF CLASSES? Sure, you can use your package to book any class you want. · HOW CAN I BOOK A CLASS? You can book your class through eversport or in person at the studio. Bookings are open 14 days in advance for all classes. We have a first-come, first-serve policy. · HOW DOES THE WAITING LIST WORK? When a class is fully booked, you can put yourself on the waiting list. Whenever a spot opens up, everybody on the waiting list will receive an e-mail. · DO YOU SELL GIFT CARDS? YES WE DO! we will hand you a nicely designed gift card, ready to be handed to your loved one. · CAN I RENT YOGALOFT FOR A WORKSHOP? YES of course! We would love for our yogaloft to serve as a home for creativity, crafts, and community. contact us via email to receive all the information.
· Bring comfortable athletic clothes that allow you to move freely. · Please arrive 10 minutes before the class starts. · Please bring your water and towel. · Please leave your belongings in the available lockers to avoid loss or possible damage.

Angebotene Sportarten und Aktivitäten

  • Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Stretching

  • Mobility

  • Pilates Mat

  • Restoratives Yoga

  • Workout

  • Yoga im Park

  • Outdoor Yoga

  • Workshop

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