Top 12 Studios for Bodywork in Wien
Check out classes and trainings, trainings, and workshops for bodywork in Wien. All levels are offered from beginner to advanced. Easily book online and share with friends.
- Dec
18:25 - 19:15 • 50 min
GK Studio KGLanghantel, Kettlbell, Kurzhanteln und alles was das Kraft-Sport Herz begehrt kommt zum Einsatz. Für jedes Level geeignet. Garderoben und Umziehmöglichkeiten im Studio sind vorhanden. Bitte Indoor-Schuhe anziehen.
- Address:
- Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien
- Dec
Total Bodywork
18:30 - 19:15 • 45 min
Ramona Buta - Personal Trainer(nur Frauen / Women only) ADDRESS: Wiedner Hauptstraße - on the CORNER with Stauraczgasse Indoor Total Bodywork Training --- Dein Körper, deine Kondition. --- Das Training ist für jederfrau geeignet und führt mit motivierender Musik schnell ans Ziel. Ausgesuchte kräftigungsübungen sorgen für ein ausgewogenes Ganzkörpertraining. Eingerahmt von Warm-Up und Cool-Down ist diese Stunde ein perfekter Beitrag zur Steigerung des Körperbewusstseins und anstatt die ganze Zeit das Ende herbeizusehnen, haben wir auch viel Spaß ;) --- BITTE MITBRINGEN / PLEASE BRING: --- 1) Sauberen Trainingsschuhen / clean training Shoes. (Training nicht möglich mit Straßenschuhe / It is not allowed to train with the street/outdoor shoes) 2) Handtuch / Towel for the matt. 3) Eigene Matte oder bekommst eine desinfizierte Matte im Studio / Own mat or you get one disinfected in Studio. 4) Wasserflasche / Water bottle ☺ BITTE mind. 10 Min. vor dem Start des Kurses kommen. / be there couple of minutes before
- Address:
- Wiedner Hauptstraße 154, 1050 Wien
- Dec
18:30 - 19:30 • 60 min
Body Concept ParisergasseBODYART BODYART was designed by one of the world’s leading fitness specialists – Robert Steinbacher (Switzerland). Merging therapeutic exercises, strength and flexibility exercises and breathing techniques BODYART helps strengthen and stretch muscles at a time, relieve stress, get rid of back pain, improve posture, better understand and feel our bodies. The concept is based on the principles of Chinese medicine and is inspired by yoga, Pilates, functional training and tai-chi. BODYART wurde von Robert Steinbacher, einem der weltweit führenden Fitnessspezialisten aus der Schweiz, entwickelt. Dieser einzigartige Ansatz kombiniert therapeutische Übungen, Kraft- und Flexibilitätstraining sowie Atemtechniken, um gleichzeitig die Muskeln zu stärken und zu dehnen, Stress abzubauen, Rückenschmerzen zu lindern und die Körperhaltung zu verbessern. BODYART hilft dabei, ein besseres Verständnis und ein intensiveres Körpergefühl zu entwickeln. Das Konzept basiert auf den Prinzipien der chinesischen Medizin und lässt sich von Yoga, Pilates, funktionellem Training und Tai-Chi inspirieren. ALL Levels welcome
- Address:
- Parisergasse 6, 1010 Wien
- Dec
Tai Chi
10:00 - 11:00 • 60 min
Body Concept ParisergasseTai Chi is an exercise system based on a traditional Chinese martial art of Taijiquan. The training system includes exercises aimed to improve the work of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, brain activity, coordination, sense of balance, etc. Due to its availability for simply everyone, powerful healing effect, fascinating aesthetics, as well as a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state, this type of physical activity is nowadays one of the most popular mindfulness trends in the world. Training takes place at a slow pace and in a relaxed atmosphere, what helps to reduce stress level and improve both physical and mental health.
- Address:
- Parisergasse 6, 1010 Wien
- Dec
SOMATIC Healing Touch Session | EinzelBehandlung
14:00 - 15:30 • 90 min
Annemarie VENUSfrequencyThis is a One-on-One session (Einzelbehandlung) Listening to the body, giving it a safe space to express what it needs and wants and freeing itself from trapped traumas opens up possibilities for insight and healing that talk therapy alone rarely achieves. Body awareness, attention to non-verbal body language and movement impulses pave the way to memories, emotions and beliefs that we are often unaware of but that shape our actions and relationships. SOMATIC healing touch can further strengthen the contact with our own self-regulatory abilities. Through the SOMATIC healing TOUCH therapy & holistic body wisdom training process, you can successfully: •heal the pain of the past, manage stress, adverse symptoms or physical pain, •overcome a specific life obstacle, manage unpleasant situations and emotions such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, irritability, overcome limiting beliefs and patterns, •improve your self-esteem, •achieve more ease and joy in life, •find a way forward in moments of doubt or at crossroads in life, strengthen resilience, •improve your ability to self-regulate, •deepen your connection to yourself, •build better relationships in your personal and professional life. SOMATIC healing TOUCH Therapy is a form of holistic body wisdom work that is particularly effective in treating early trauma. These sessions have a positive effect on the entire physiology of the body, with a focus on the nervous system. Touch regulates the physiological processes in the body that occur in response to stressful and traumatic events and helps to achieve deep states of calm. In SOMATIC healing touch sessions you lie fully clothed on a shiatsu mat on the floor and I place my hands on specific areas (e.g. under the neck or kidneys, knees, head and feet). SOMATIC healing TOUCH Therapy is non-manipulative, exploratory and supportive, and it is crucial that you feel comfortable.In the course of the session, we want to achieve as much as possible a feeling of safety and support. This method regulates the stress response and helps to relax. In this way, we strengthen the ability to self-regulate on a holistic level. (mind, body, energetic, spiritual) Working with touch also opens up the possibility of building trust and re-setting your own boundaries. However, difficult experiences from the past can also come to light and be processed with methods of holistic body wisdom & human energetik work.Through repetition of our sessions together (also in combination with yoga movement, breathwork & meditation), life becomes easier over time; you will feel more in control and secure. This approach is particularly effective for clients who are overwhelmed by unpleasant physical feelings and whose nervous system constantly signals danger. The effects: •changing patterns of dysregulated stress response, •achieving greater psychological resilience and the capacity for physical self-regulation, •easier acceptance as well as transforming unpleasant feelings, •achieving a deeper state of calmness, •achieving and maintaining greater presence and inner stability, even during intense experiences.
- Address:
- Institut SCHMIDA | Lehárgasse 1, Top 2, 1060 Wien
- Dec
16:00 - 17:00 • 60 min
YogabaseHIIT THE BEAT Werde fitter und beweglicher als je zuvor mit HIIT the Beat® by Breakletics®, der perfekten Mischung aus funktionalen Übungen, effektivem Intervalltraining und mitreißenden Beats! Das Workout vereint Spaß und Funktionalität wie kein anderes Training. Die einfach zu erlernenden abwechslungsreichen Übungen und die motivierende Musik von Star-Produzenten ziehen Dich so in den Bann, dass Du gar nicht merkst wie Du gleichzeitig Deine Fitness, Beweglichkeit und Koordination mit jedem Schritt verbesserst! So formst Du nicht nur das Aussehen Deines Körpers, sondern auch seine Fähigkeiten Das Beste: Du musst keiner komplizierten Choreografie folgen und kannst ohne Vorkenntnisse mitmachen. Die Übungen kommen in verschiedenen Abstufungen für JEDES Fitness Level und sind leicht verständlich. Versprochen!
- Address:
- Breitenfurter Straße 372A/Top 53, 1230 Wien
- Dec
07:15 - 08:00 • 45 min
GK Studio KGLanghantel, Kettlbell, Kurzhanteln und alles was das Kraft-Sport Herz begehrt kommt zum Einsatz. Für jedes Level geeignet. Garderoben und Umziehmöglichkeiten sind vorhanden. Bitte Indoor-Schuhe anziehen.
- Address:
- Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien
- Dec
11:30 - 12:15 • 45 min
GK Studio KGEin weiterer Group Fitness Klassiker und ein sehr effektives Ganzkörperworkout. Nicht nur Bauch, Beine und Po kommen auf ihre Kosten, sondern durch Zusatzgeräte wie Hanteln, Kettlebells, Gewichtsscheiben und Co. wird auch der gesamte Oberkörper optimal trainiert. Garderoben und Umziehmöglichkeiten im Studio sind vorhanden. Bitte Indoor-Schuhe mitnehmen.
- Address:
- Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien
Bodywork by level
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GK Studio KG
4.7104 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Alserbachstraße 11, 1090 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Boxen
- Fitness
- More...
Starting from: €21.00Body Concept Parisergasse
4.9145 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Parisergasse 6, 1010 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Pilates
- Yoga
- More...
Starting from: €17.00Manas Yoga
4.987 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Franz-Josefs-Kai 41, 1010 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Pilates
- More...
Starting from: €0.00Ramona Buta - Personal Trainer
5.043 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Wiedner Hauptstraße 154 , 1050 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Pilates
- More...
Starting from: €10.00Yogabase
4.976 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Breitenfurter Straße 372A / Top 53 , 1230 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Yoga
- Faszientraining
- More...
Starting from: €0.00Annemarie VENUSfrequency
4.928 reviews2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Fugbachgasse 19 , 1020 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Yoga
- Meditation
- More...
Starting from: €0.00PIÙ PILATES
4.926 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Neubaugasse 57 , 1070 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Pilates
- More...
Starting from: €15.00UKIYO Vienna
4.833 reviews1 Angebot für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Breite Gasse 7, 1070 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Pilates
- More...
Starting from: €13.00Bewegung mit Freude
5.02 reviews2 Angebote für Neukund:innen- Address:
- Hernalser Hauptstraße 190-192 , 1170 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Fitness
- Pilates
- More...
Starting from: €19.00Body Concept Online & On-Demand
4.8122 reviews- Address:
- Parisergasse 6, 1010 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Pilates
- Yoga
- More...
Starting from: €6.00The Unity Dance
4.960 reviews- Address:
- Wehlistraße 66, 1200 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Tanzen
- Yoga
Starting from: €30.00- Address:
- Gisela-Legath-Gasse 5 , 1220 Wien
- Offerings:
- Bodywork
- Massage
- Entspannung
- More...
Starting from: €55.00